How Shared Warehousing Can Benefit Your Business

by | Aug 12, 2022 | Real estate, Warehouse

Shared Warehousing

Shared Warehousing serves as a distribution center for multiple companies. Sharing space, labor, and technology costs might help your streamline supply chain operations. This means expanding product offerings, improving shipping time, and testing new markets for the business without having to spend extra money or time. 

But that is not the only advantage of a shared warehouse. The benefits of shared warehousing are mentioned below. 

If you are looking for shared warehousing in Kolkata, you can always reach us for the finest services. 

Reduced Costs

Investing in renting or building a warehouse for your supplies has to be supported by a significant amount of cash. Doing so might lead you to become less competitive in the market or give up on a portion of your profit margin.

With a shared warehouse, you will be able to share the costs. This ultimately reduces your cost.

Access to particular Resources

You need to keep certain goods in a particular fashion. For instance, your products might require a specific temperature while others don’t. Shared warehouses meet the specific needs of businesses and attract more clients. You can grab this opportunity and have your products stored for a fraction of the price and under particular conditions as required.

Top-notch Security

Think how much cash you will have to invest in your warehouse to make it completely secure. The companies that offer Shared Warehousing in Kolkata invest heavily in warehouse security. They apply several security layers, a high-end IT infrastructure, cameras, and security guards around the clock. When you store your products in such a facility, you can make sure that your products are in the best hands.

The Benefit of a Warehouse Management System

Third-party logistics providers with warehousing will use their knowledge and expertise to provide this service to their clients. A warehouse management system is just one of the tools they use to provide a better service. You can get real-time insight into reports and other essential metrics. This is a great advantage considering the cost of such software. And you can get profit from it by storing your products in their warehouse.

An Ideal warehouse consists of the following features:

Proper Location

For effective movement of goods and cost savings, the builders must choose convenient places to establish warehouses. The warehouses should be located near railway stations, major highways, seaports, and airports so that goods can be loaded and unloaded easily. It is recommended to have warehouses in open places so that the vehicles can move around quickly.

Use of Mechanical Appliances

The warehouses are spaces where there are continual loading and unloading of goods. You can use mechanical appliances to that effect. It not only results in the safety of men and materials but also reduces waste in handling goods and overall handling costs.

Sufficient space

For an ideal warehouse, you need to utilize the space adequately to maximize storage and keep the goods in proper order. Every trader wants their merchandise to be accommodated in one warehouse so that they don’t have to travel to different places to manage the loading and unloading of their goods.

Proximity to the Market

The warehouses must become established at places where the market for raw materials and selling finished goods is as close as possible. That is why big warehouses are nearby to commercial places.

Parking Facility-

There should be proper arrangements inside warehouses to facilitate loading and unloading as well as safe parking.

Safety Measures-

A warehouse is often utilized for storing edibles and perishable goods like bread, butter, fruits, eggs, and vegetables and must be equipped with proper cold storage and moisture resistance facilities. Further efforts must be made to secure the warehouse against the possibility of theft and damage from heat, rainwater, insects, pests, and fire. Warehouse service providers in Kolkata must ensure the customers that the warehouse will be safe from unforeseen miss-happenings.


The warehouse location, layout, construction, and maintenance must be done to ensure maximum storage of goods at minimum expense.

Proper Management-

Efficient management is another factor of an ideal warehouse. Mismanagement might lead to theft, loss, errors, and omissions of goods stored by various traders. That is why strict control over the warehouse is essential. Look for a warehouse that has proper management. 

Warehousing is simple, cost-effective, and most importantly, adds value and flexibility to your supply chain. It also adds a new level of scalability to your business that can benefit you greatly.