Role of Predictive Warehousing to Manage Online Product Returns

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Warehouse, Warehouse Solution

Predictive Warehousing

Strategic warehousing ensures maximum success in e-commerce. However, frequent product returns disrupt the flexibility of inventory management. As of 2024, about 49% of online product returns dominated India’s e-commerce industry. To combat high online product returns, you need connected and market-centric warehouse management. 

Predictive Warehouse Management holds the key to a successful and optimised e-commerce business. The efficacy of this warehouse management idea lies in its interconnectivity. We at Ganesh Complex are right here to guide you regarding warehouse optimisation and its role in reducing online product returns. 

How do Online Product Returns Affect E-commerce Warehousing? 

Online product returns, or what we call Reverse Logistics, form an additional hassle to warehousing. If product returns increase in a particular month, your storage space might be compromised with the newly added products. As a result, your shipping and distribution process might need help comprehending market demands. 

As the Indian festive season approaches, there might be a high possibility of online product returns. Before you get burdened with reverse logistics, we are here to provide the right E-commerce Warehouse Solution. 

Predictive Warehousing: Concept, Role and Benefits 

Predictive Warehousing aims to analyse existing and upcoming market trends within an industry. If market trends are accurately identified, the possibility of attracting target customers increases. Predicting online product returns in e-commerce businesses allows warehouse authorities to allocate suitable spaces and schedule shipping.

At Ganesh Complex, we perform predictive warehousing to evaluate e-commerce trends in Kolkata’s domestic market and across India. Here’s how we can help you with our predictive warehouse management. 

1. Improved Inventory Management 

Tracking and tracing inventories form the most important aspects of inventory management. As an e-commerce business owner, you should know how much inventory is available and scheduled. 

In our Warehouse for Sale in Kolkata, we ensure that your tracked inventories are stocked and scheduled customised to your business needs.

Our predictive warehousing helps categorise your inventory levels according to your business size, nature, and competition. This allows you to maintain adequate space for possible product returns. 

2. Scalability 

Scalability is necessary for obtaining maximum flexibility in stocking and shipping. You would need a scalable plan to purchase, stock, and release your inventory as per your timelines. 

At Ganesh Complex, our scalability depends on the customer-centric warehousing that we adapt. Based on the possibility of your product returning, we will line up our manual operations.

For instance, product returns for your online food business will be nil or minimal. However, online clothing businesses face maximum product returns. We strategically allocate inventory space according to potential single and bulk product returns and draft shipping plans. 

3. Fast and Flexible Shipping 

Predictive Warehousing facilitates fast and flexible shipping of online product returns. Our E-commerce Warehouse Solution identifies customer needs specifically for particular businesses. This enhances your business flexibility in managing reverse storing, packaging, and shipping as per customer needs. Most importantly, we ensure that your e-commerce operations do not fail to comply with local market competencies. 

In Kolkata, the upcoming Durga Puja and Diwali celebrations highly influence online product shopping. Our predictive warehousing will ensure that your new or fresh stock remains uncompromised despite product returns. 

4. Low Operating Costs 

Warehouse management involves a significant volume of operating costs. Higher online product returns increase storage deficiencies and additional operating costs. Our predictive warehousing reduces the collision between fresh and old stock management. 

For instance, if your e-commerce business deals with electronics and machinery, warehousing would require high overhead costs to manage humidity. If online product returns increase, storage space might be compromised. 

At Ganesh Complex, our predictive warehousing ensures that your stock scheduling is parallel to online product returns. This reduces risks of product damage, rusting and untimely depreciation. 

5. Growth in Competency 

The Indian e-commerce sector has grown competently over the years. Your business needs competent warehousing to attain maximum profit. Our E-commerce Warehouse Solution aims to manage the storage and stocking processes as per emerging market trends. We engage in long-term thinking related to business goals, changes in customer demands, and stocking processes. 

Our predictive warehousing will accurately observe your personalised business trends and interlink space and storage to support online product returns. 

Wrapping Up

Ganesh Complex delivers integrated warehouse planning and management systems for different types of businesses. Our predictive warehousing encourages personalised stock scheduling to increase resilience in meeting market demands. The perfect warehouse is difficult to find, but you can find your integrated warehousing right here. Connect with us to flexibly manage your online product returns and equally optimise business competency.